Thursday, December 16, 2010

Realizing My Baby Isn't a Baby Anymore!

My daughter will be turning 13 on Monday. Unfortunately, I won't get to see her most of the day. She'll be in school all day, then straight to the basketball games out of town to cheer. We're having her party tomorrow before most of her friends go out of town for Christmas. Of course, she's excited, but the closer it gets the more nervous I get. It seems like only moments ago I was looking into her little eyes for the first time. Now, she's as big as me, getting more beautiful by the second, and thankfully very intelligent. I used to cradle her in my arms and rock her to sleep. Now, she can look me in the eyes. I'm so proud of the young woman she's becoming, but I miss my little baby girl. I'm happy to see her growing up and taking on all the challenges the world throws at her. I'm also very sad that everyday brings her closer to heading out on her own to start her own life. This past year has brought so many changes for her. She's finally starting to bloom socially. Since making the cheer squad, she has become a more outgoing, tougher, stronger, and more determined individual. Before, she kept her circle of friends very small. For her party tomorrow, she has invited over 60 kids. I didn't even know she knew that many people. Everything just seems to be happening so fast. Every time I take a breath she's bigger, smarter, friendlier, funnier, more independent, and more beautiful. It's scary as her mom to watch such a dramatic transformation happening right before my eyes, but I somehow still seem to be missing it. Realizing that she is only 5 years from heading of to college scares the crap out of me. I can only pray that I have raised her in a way that she will have what it takes to succeed without having to sacrifice her morals or her sense of self. I pray that when she is on her own, she will make the right choices in life. I'm very blessed to be her mom. She is an amazing young woman. I'd like to say that at least when she's gone off on her own life adventure my son will still be here with me, but he'll be gone the very next year. What will I do with myself then? I won't know what to do. I'm sure I can think of something though.